Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Favorite books of all time

When I was a child, my favorite books were
Don C. Reed, Pamela Ford Johnson: Sevengill, the shark and me
Scott O'Dell: Island of the blue dolphins

My brother-in-law got me hooked on science fiction, and gave me a dogeared copy of
Thomas J. Ryan: The adolescence of P-1
- Great book.  Loved it and still have it. 

So far this month

So far this month:

Paladin Press: The .50-Caliber Rifle Construction Manual
 - Interesting book.  I really think the receiver and bolt group should be heat treated, and of a named alloy.

Robert Heinlen: Gentlemen, Be Seated
Robert Heinlen: By his bootstraps
Robert Heinlen: The moon is a harsh mistress
- This one could be subtitled "A DIY manual for inciting a revolution"

Daniel Suarez: Daemon
- Fantastic book... and OMGOMGOMG there is a sequel!!!  (To amazon I go!)

Ernest Cline: Ready Player one   (Loved it!)


This is a log of the books I read.  There may be occasional commentary, but mostly it's about the list.